Tuesday, 21 January 2014

How did you attract/address your audience? [contents page]

                                          Contents page

When comparing my contents page with a professional contents page, they are quite different as i didn't follow conventions. In my magazine i used bright colours and it looks very eye catching with the use of the image, lighting, fonts and text colour. However in this professional contents page it is a lot more simple and has mainly the same colour throughout although the image is effective. The poses in my contents page are a lot more fun looking than on the other pages of my magazine. I chose to do this as i wanted my contents page to look more fun, to make it look interesting and make my audience want to read what is inside of the magazine. The costumes are the same and my other pages as i wanted them all to relate in some way and also i took all the images in the same shoot. Also as i liked the pink tint over my images i decided to keep it there for all three images. There is not a lot of different fonts on this page as i didn't want it to look over crowded as there was already a lot of text going onto that page. I used a more fancy text for the titles of each column and then a simple text for the contents but i changed the colours between red and white to make sure it still looked creative. I decided to add images to go with a few of the contents to fill in space and to make it more appealing to my audience. Most teenagers would prefer to look at images rather than text, so this went well with my magazine. The language i used on this page was more professional but i tried to keep it punchy and interesting. In the image on this page the poses my models are doing make it a lot more personal towards the audience as they are both making eye contact with the camera and not pulling serious faces. Also the models are in reflection    with each other and i thought this worked well. I made sure to not take the image too close to the models as i knew i was to cover most of the image with text, so i made sure not to have to cover the faces of the models. The use of font would go well for both my primary and secondary audience as it is understandable for anyone. The only contents on this page was the text telling the audience what to expect to see inside the issue. I kept the masthead of this page similar to my front page. I kept the red out line and black filled letters as this stood out also on the background of this page. The layout of this page worked very well with the amount of text and the background image. As i placed the two columns of text over the top of the less important areas of the images and made sure that the faces of the models were not covered. Also i made a grey strip running across the page before meeting the models faces, and made it a little opaque so it was able to see the image behind it. With in this strip i put in which page and the description of the main article which is about the models which are on the page, making this stand out more. 

This is the feedback i got from my target audience about my contents page. 
By getting this feedback i realised things that i needed to change to make it more appealing towards my audience as my feedback was from both my primary and secondary audience. 
This helped with what i could improve to make my page better. 

This is my final contents page, compared with the rough draft of my flat plan before i started to create the page.
My final outcome is a lot different to my flat plan as i noticed my plan wasn't going to work. I was going to put the contents down the middle of the two models but i noticed there wasn't enough space to make it fit and clearly readable. I quickly thought of a different that i could lay this out. I figured the bottom half of my image wasn't so important so i decided to separate the contents into two columns to make it a lot neater. By doing this i then had extra space on the right hand side which i filled with eight small images that related to a few of the page descriptions. I thought by adding more images it would appeal more to my primary audience as teenagers would prefer to understand the page by images rather than reading all of it. Other than that i kept the mast head in the same place but added a small logo of the name of my magazine and the issue number in the right hand corner. 

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