Tuesday, 26 November 2013

second draft of double page spread

This is my second version of my double page spread. The changes i made are, firstly i removed the text in the masthead and created the title in the pull quote on the left hand side instead, and moved both the title and pull quote central as it seemed more eye catching. Then i changed the font, and font size of the pull quote on the right hand side, making it stand out more than the actual interview. I also changed the font of the article, making it more understandable and giving the pull quote more space surrounding it. Another i done was make the gaps on sides and down the middle of the text larger, making the text easier to read and understand. Also i made the questions larger and more bold than the answers. I also removed the three traffic light colours circles in the bottom right corner, as i thought it looked more appealing without them there and i also removed them off the front page to make it look the same. As i changed the font type and size, it meant there was enough room for another question in the article, which made the page look more filled and had more information. 

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